To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.

Message from the Commander
“No One Does More for Veterans” is the motto of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and there is no truer attestation to that than VFW Post 3345.
Located in the economically sound city of Strongsville, OH, VFW Post 3345 is proud to be the largest post in District 7, and one of the largest in Ohio. Although our post has over 600 Veteran members and 700 Auxiliary and social members, it's still a place to call your own. As in the theme song from the TV show Cheers, it truly is a place where “everyone knows your name”.
Inside you will find a very comfortable & friendly canteen that boasts a wide array of military artifacts, memorabilia, photos, patches, and insignias from years gone by to those donated by our active duty or recent veteran members. The main hall is a great place for our members to host their family and friend gatherings for occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or large birthday parties.
The post is situated on 2 + acres with a large grassy area equipped with horseshoe pits, a covered pavilion, and most importantly our Veterans Memorial. The pride of our post, this memorial was built and completed by the membership on Veterans Day, 2010. It represents all branches of the service and honors those who have fallen and served. In the words of a local politician, “it is the finest memorial outside of Washington DC that I’ve ever seen”.
In addition to all we have to offer our members, Post 3345 is among the most generous. Donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to veterans in need and local organizations, along with tens of thousands of volunteer hours, our post is fully aware of the real purpose behind this organization. VFW Post 3345 is a warrior for the motto “No One Does More for Veterans”.
If you haven't been to our post, please stop by and see if you are eligible to become a member. Whether a veteran that served overseas in a qualifying conflict or a family member of one, come experience the camaraderie of our post and become involved with the true meaning of giving back to those that gave so much.
God bless you and I wish you all, “Fair winds and following seas”.
Tim Zvoncheck
Support our Veteran's Memorial
The Veterans' Memorial was conceived to raise public awareness as to the extent to which the veterans in our local community (special recognition to prisoners of war, medics, and nurses ) have given to protect the freedoms we enjoy. We must express our gratitude while showing the world how very proud we are of our veterans.
We are asking the community for support in this endeavor to maintain this memorial.
Veterans and Friends of Veterans Brick Pavers
The veterans' pavers are located in the inner circle and friends of veterans' pavers are located in the outer circle.
4 x 8 $40
8 x 8 $75
Pavers are placed in the order they are received unless the purchaser would like to group pavers; in that case please use the same purchaser’s name on the applications. Prisoners of war and those killed in action from our current War on Terrorism are at no cost to the applicants. Veterans' applications are for all veterans including those who served during times of peace; we do make the distinction by brick paver color as to which conflict a veteran was in.
Sponsor Pavers for Businesses & Organizations
These pavers line the walkway on either side leading to the Memorial and are placed in the order they are received.
12 x 12 limestone $250
6 x 16 limestone $500
16 x 16 granite $1000
Granite Benches
The benches are placed on the perimeter of the Memorial in six locations and may be inscribed with the donor’s wishes.
Four-foot-long benches $3,500
Cash Donation Giving Levels
Each level is recognized in its special way.
Bronze Star Level ($1000-$2000)
Silver Star Level ($2000-$4000)
Medal of Honor Level ($4000+)
Please make all checks payable to “ VFW Post 3345 Memorial Fund”.
Pavers are placed once a year – for Memorial Day. Applications are taken in March until the first week of April. Prisoners of war and those killed in action from our current War on Terrorism are at no cost to the applicants. Veterans' applications are for all veterans including those who served during times of peace; we do make the distinction by brick paver color as to which conflict a veteran was in.
Please remember that “no person is ever gone, until they are forgotten.” It is our responsibility to ensure that this never happens. We all know that these are not the best of times but Patriotism knows only one level of pride. Please help us show not only our local community but the entire world just how proud we are of our veterans and the sacrifices they have made, for the freedoms we enjoy every day, which will be displayed hopefully for eternity.
If you would like more information please contact the Post at (440) 234-0250.